August 2024 Newsletter

Meet Kenneth

Kenneth age 55

The story begins May 22, 2022, the day we met Kenneth.

Kenneth had recently been released from the hospital after being severely burned in an electrical fire. He didn’t elaborate on what  happened, but I could see his face, chest, and right arm were in bad shape, and that he must be suffering.

We gave Kenneth a bag with water, food, personal care items, and some clothing. I let him know the bag had anti-bacterial wipes that could assist in keeping his burns clean. I prayed with him for God’s healing and guidance, and let him know we will be praying for him.


Kenneth age 56

September 24, 2023. What a surprise, we meet again!.  

It’s been 15 months since I last saw Kenneth. We remembered each other, both of us smiling! I was happy to see that the burns appeared to be healed and Kenneth was definitely in a better state of mind. I told him that I looked at his photo many times in the last 15 months and prayed for his recovery. Kenneth didn’t say much, but I know he appreciated the prayers and receiving more supplies.  


Kenneth age 57

August 11, 2024. Another sad situation!

We meet again! Kenneth receives another bag, clothing, insect repellent, and a new to him, pair of shoes. 

Kenneth didn’t have much to say. He had just gotten out of the hospital suffering from the long term effect of his burns. He was not feeling well, but was enjoying the hamburger we provided. Sadly, flies were everywhere, on him, and his burger. It was sickening!

There was nothing else to do but pray for him. I placed my hand on his shoulder and asked God to comfort him during this most difficult time of his life.

Final thought! Kenneth’s story is not uncommon.

Homeless individuals often lack consistent health care, leading to delayed diagnoses, and untreated chronic conditions. Their unsanitary living conditions, lack of food and water, and brutal weather conditions are difficult to bear. 


There will always be Homelessness!

Our goal is to share God’s love, and help everyone our resources will allow.

This past Saturday and Sunday:

Our Saturday group of volunteers assembled 100 bags, 36 ladies’ personal care backpacks, and gathered clothing, shoes, and insect repellent for Sunday’s outreach.

Sunday after church, volunteers helped by adding two frozen bottles of water to each bag. Each bag now had six total bottles of water. Our team packed four vehicles and headed out to three different locations.

We spoke to more than 125 needy people, passing out 100 bags, 36 ladies’ personal care backpacks, 115 hamburgers, 83 bottles of insect repellent, and 100 neck cooling towels.

We were able to bless many folks with 606 total items of clothing, including shirts, shorts, pants, socks, underwear, bras, caps, and 18 pairs of shoes. It was a great day!


Partial list of those we met on Sunday, listed by age, gender, name, and prayer concerns.

21 F Alycen- Work and home.

24 M Devin- 7 months in Dallas, prayers for opportunity, moving soon.

24 M Nassir- Been praying this year for employment and home.

28 M Xavier- Peace with God.

28 M Khalil

30 M Cody- Dog died.

30 F Gloria

31M Conrad- safety from heat.

32 F Tonya

33 M Desmond- For everybody and employment.

34 F Marissa- For mother and herself relationship, six years unsheltered.

35 F Angie

36 M Angel

36 F Debby- Lodging, she and kids just got evicted from home.

36 F Nikhiah- For faith and family.

36 M Jimmy- Prayers for beautiful day, and Jaylin his 17 year old son.

39 F Tameka- My household and 18 year old daughter. Remembrance of sisters’ death.

39 M Keshown- For strength.

39 F Brenda- Deliverance

40 F Andrea- For relationship with sister, forgiveness, control temper, housing.

40 M Rodney

41 F Sunda- For good health.

41 M Jason- For family and God in his life.

41 M Roy- Guidance

42 M Nathaniel- For a bag.

42 F Latina

42 F Natalie- Housing.

43 F Natalie

44 M Kedron- Focus and construction.

44 M Nathan- For God in his life.

45 M Jim- Housing

46 M Edgar- Knee hurting.

47 M Tyrone- For an ID to get job.

48 F Tarsha- House and family.

48 M Rogeilo

48 M Craig- Family

49 M Chris

49  F Jacqueline- Financial security, family, sister Angela.

49 M Germaine- For mom and Social Security.

50 F China-For my mother.

50 F Elka- For 2 kids ages 25 and 26, for Mr. Lee in ICU after falling and hurting his head.

51 M Damian-Get on assistance, disability, and job.

52 F Diane- For her sick son.

52 F Anita- To get home, selling clothes to get ticket to north Dallas.

53 F Kristina- To get off streets for many years.

54 M Ervin

55 M Franklin- For Lords direction.

55 F Traci- For sobriety, going to detox next week.

56 M Emmett- For mom and sister.

57 M Joseph- For presence of God in his life.

57 F Lisa- For happy marriage with Joseph.

57 M Ron- For presence of God.

57 M Kenneth- Recovery from burns.

57 F Donna-Arthritis and job.

57 M Jimmy- family and friends.

58 M Ricky- Family and 11 year old child and parent.

58 M Carlos- For family and employment.

59 F Angela Ray- For housing.

59 F Sherry- Family

59 M Joe- For his ill sister.

59 M Tim- For retirement and to stop smoking.

59 F Debra- Sexually assaulted (police are involved) and dog died yesterday.

60 M Reginald- For healing of injury, unsheltered for more than a year, social security.

60 M Tracey- For health, thanksgiving for Latonya, home health care nurse.

60 M Ellis- For health, work, and God.

60 M Rene

60 M Robert- Things get better.

60 M Lester- Get back to Ft. Worth.

60 M Travis- For him and family.

60 M Tracy- Living in a car for 2 years.

61 M Jerry- For Home.

61 M Thomas- Six months homeless.

61M Ricky- Stop smoking.

61 M Roy

62 F Carolyn-For family.

62 M Manual

63 M Kenneth- Get off street, receive SS and get a home.

63 M Joseph- Life in general.

60 M Michael-Closer relationship to God, for the white family that lost their daughter.

64 M Ty- Went off on judgement and to stop being judgmental.

64 M Victor- For God and a good day.

64 M Robert- Health and family.

65 M Michael- World problems.

65 M Rickey- Drugs

66 M Timothy- More hospitality in the world, God has his hand in everything.

66 M Arthur

66 M Daniel

68 M Clyde

68 M Joseph- For happy marriage.

68 F Carolyn-For forgiveness of sins and going to heaven.

68 M Tony- Hip problem.

73 M Amant- God’s presence.

77 M William- For 52 year old daughter with diabetes, retirement.

78 M Morris


Here are ways you can help us help others:  


 We always are in need of clean men’s and ladies’ shirts, tops, pants, sweaters, coats, socks, bras, caps, and new underwear.  We especially need men’s pants, jeans, and shorts in sizes 30-38. Shoes & boots suitable for outdoor wear, blankets, sleeping bags, & tents are useful.                                       

Assembling and filling bags and Ladies’ backpacks.                                            This is generally done one Saturday each month and is a fun time of fellowship.

Sorting clothes. People are responding to our need for clean or new clothing items. Volunteers are much needed to help sort, size, and organize these items.  We meet in our fellowship hall every Monday morning from 9:00 to 10:30, and always appreciate help.                                                                             

Financial contributions. As you can see it takes a lot of time, energy, money, and prayer to keep this ministry going.  Your financial contributions will allow us to continue this ministry and share God’s love with others.

Bob’s Bags is a self-supporting ministry of

First Christian Church of Duncanville

203 S. Main St. Duncanville, Texas 75116                                            





July 2024 Newsletter